Bonjour! (Yes, I'm French)
What do I write? What do I do?
I write an internet blog, The Modern World Builder, where I share weekly my thoughts about internet communities & culture.. or something along those lines.
On top of my own newsletter, I also write articles for other companies, mainly in the Web3 space, sharing some ideas on where all this thing might go.
Monetization in Web3 (One37pm)
Social Tokens and the Future of Work (Bankless)
Leveraging Social Tokens for Digital Reputation (Forefront)
The Next Big Thing Is Here And It Will Revolutionize The Future Of Work (Business Insider)
I also run a course on building worlds and leveraging the power of symbol systems to arouse a feeling of belonging amongst your members. If you’re interested, you can learn more and grab it below:
Last but not least, I also wrote a free 40-pages guide on everything I learned building online communities in the past 2 years. It’s easy to read and will help you avoid all the dumb mistakes I made when I first started.
So what’s my master plan with this whole online writing thing?
I’ve been writing for the past two years but never really stick to publishing once a week. So for now, my goal is to be consistent and see how far I can go with this newsletter.
I also want to help as many people as I can to build their online communities, because it’s the best way to make the internet more playful and interesting.
And that’s it! You now know enough about me to know if you want to keep hearing about me weekly. You can also dig more on me on Twitter, Linkedin.